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Winners are in Big and Bold Lettering

Narrative Shorts

Amazing Grace by Christopher Maggard

Amazing Grace by Robert Craighead

Blood and Soil by Michelangelo Aguiar

Carnival of Wonders by Christopher Childers

Cassandra by Dave Tolchinsky

Child Bride by Mostafa Keshvari

Darling, Darling, Wendy by Katherine Sainte Marie

Dating Blind by Brian Pollock

Honor Among Thieves by Justin Eugene Evans

Lorna Landvik’s “Oh my Stars” by Cynthia M. Uhrich

Make Me Fly by Petr Vinokurov

Michael, Emmadri, and the Mermaid by Ryan Dougall

Monstrus Circus by Jordan Inconstant

Reflections by Drew Allen

Saved Rounds by Doc Farrow

Side Piece by Teddy Tenenbaum

Son of Sheba by 360 Films Studio

The All American by Dewayne Bontrager

The Hall by Ted Leonard

The Rabbit Hole by Richard Bakewell

The Troubles by Jake Green

Triangle by Prem1ere Film

Walking Point by RJ Nevens, Jr.


Experimental Shorts

Blue Pig by Yaxiong Shao

Gate 25 by Darrell Malnar

Majestic by Wendy Manship

Stood Up by Cjay Boisclair

Walker in the Woods by Emmitt Dawkins



  Student Shorts

Amita 502 by Jiang Baggio

Black by Nicole Adams

Endless Dream by 欣瑶 李

Fight by Joey DeBlanco

Grievances by Siddharth Jha

The World as She Knows It by Shant Salkhorian



Tele-Play – Web-Based

Choose Me: An Abortion Story by Hannah Gamble

Get Outta Here by Carlo Verducci

Hard Town by Ervin Michele

Oddly Popular by Carissa Gallo and Fred Gallo

Show me Yours by Kevin McCloskey


Documentary Features

Aspire to the Sky: The Wilshire Grand Story by Dilip Khatri

Bullied by Thomas Keith

Chasing the Present by Anna Kolber

I am Your Hairdresser by Monica Marteau

Making Sweet Tea by E. Patrick Johnson

The One and Only Jewish Miss America by David Arond

Valiant by Cruz Angeles

When All That’s Left is Love by Marilyn Gordon


Documentary Shorts

Finding Elijah by Yolonda Johnson-Young

Native Realities by Noor-un-nisa

On the Bruhl by Steve Horswill Johnson

Raw by Laurel Adler

Swipe Left: The Age of Disposable Relationships by Amber Ostergaard

The Roads Most Traveled: Photojournalist Don Bartletti by Bill Wisneski

Action-Adventure Feature

City of Angels by Carlo Verduchi and Rene Walker

Dawns Early Light by Tye Eaton

Hostile Tiger by Michelle Tang

Jackson Hole by David Markle

Wu Xia 2 – AKA Immortal Combat the Code by Johnny Wu



Adapted Feature

Charlie by Maurice Jackson

Custer – The Real Story by Bill White

Letters to Daniel by Amy McCorkle and Melissa Goodman

On the Edge by Elizabeth Downing

Pan by Ramon Garcia


Animation Feature

Eukrateia by Dennis Van Gulik

Jingle the Dog – A Christmas Story by Chris Bishop

Pick up Sticks by David Reeser

To the Moon by Leam Reed

Valley of Toys by Michelle Farrow and David Gallo



Biographical Feature

200 MPH by Sandi Schaffer

Appian Way by Leo Maxwell

Letters to Daniel by Amy McCorkle and Melissa Goodman

Sands in the Hour Glass by Diego Maserati

Sir Hillary by Sean Miller



Comedy Feature

Deep Toad by Garrad Glen

Life’s a Bitch – Then you Kill One by McHarlin Alan Wood

Talking to God by Maya Batash, Jonathan Fredrico, Kim Jackson

The Great Debate by Carl Taback

The Prince of Del Mar by Teri Winbush



Drama Feature

Infidelity by Gina Graham Scott, Jack Skyler, Alex Zinzopous

Summer Nights by Tyler Mitchell

The Enemies by Giorgi Gachava

Toprak by Chris Hirschhaeuser and Sevgi Hirschhäuser

Unspoken by Darly Denner and Rodney Reyes



Faith-Based Feature

Diamond in the Rough by  Onder Asir, Alec Story, Clay Walker and Jordan Werner

I Do by Geoffrey Gordon

One more day of Sunshine by Lexi Moore

The Author, The Star and the Inn Keeper by Mark Erdmann, Elizabeth M. Zambo, Jessica M. Zambo and Steven F. Zambo

The Protégé by Kandice Smith



Historical – Period Piece Feature

A Lady in Waiting by Grant Newsome

Braxton Road by Amber Joyce 

Scotty’s Castle by Jim Kelly

The King of Thieves by Amar Richman

Tuscaloosa by Jenny Daly, Tate Donovan, Brian Etting,

Josh Etting, Scott Franklin, Eric Helgeson and Patrick Riley


Inspirational Feature

Bullied by Thomas Keith

Carnival of Wonders by Christopher Childers

Kingdom Anthem: Kingdom Descends Upon the World – Church of the Almighty God

The Long Journey by Kelly Davis

Valiant by James Lawler, Virgil Price and Zack Russo



International Feature

By Light of Desert Night by Ashley Pugh

Once Upon a Judgement Day by Tarik Tanrisever

Songs of Solomon by Asko Akopyan and Nick Vallelonga

Strings of Sorrow by Tarik Tanrisever

Visceral by Sumeya Kokten

LGBT Feature

Days of Yesteryear by Emily Michaels

Hello My Friend by Michelle Yarbster

Long Road to Myself by Jang Sun and Zen Wong

Remember Me by Terry Cox

That is All by Mark Weeden



MOB Feature

Blind Ambition by Jennie Fallon

Holes in the Desert by Alex Tutt

Ice by Reggie Smith

Max by Steven Dearborn

Vegas Nights by Jeff and Cindy Ralston



Musical Feature

American Reject by Beth Burvant, Trey Burvant,

Frank Monteleone, and Kathleen Elizabeth Monteleone

Behind the Curtain in Oz by Darrell Berg

I Brought you Hurray by Maksim Parovoy

Tap Dance by Mark Temple

The Adventures of Ms. Glitch by Kelly Askam and Donny Walker



 Mystery Feature

Howl by Sarah Coughlin

Mistress Meili by Jung Xi

Spirits of Willow Lake by Sofia Williamson

The Lost End by Zoe Pellous and Alexander Salabaschew

Valley of Bones by Angeni Ronde



 Romance Feature

A Field of Tulips by Maci Jurgenson

A Pensive Gentleman by Erica Coldwater

Heart Full of Stars by Peter Heisenberg

My Culture by Belva Davis, Bill Moore, Shirley Sharp and Oman Wassan

Three Bridges by Riley Waters

Science Fiction Feature

American Sci Fi by Chris McElroy

Kushtaka by Natalie Brooks

The Last Earth Girl by Jim Weter

They Come at Dusk by Spencer Holloway

Zion by Terrance Witt



Sports Feature

Championship Run by Mitchell Boyle

One Lap to Go by Jerold Mueller

Punished by Simon Finley

Valiant by James Lawler, Virgil Price and Zack Russo

When Honor Mattered by Ethan Moss



 Thriller Feature

Burn by Patrick Lazzara

Confined by Billy Chaffin

Deadly Promises by Thomas Crouser, Jr.

F20 By Arsen A. Ostojic

The House on Maple Street by Juan Valdez



Western Feature

Ambush on the Snake River by Francis Ecker

Battle of Big Bow by Vince Teller

Field of Honor by Mike Menken

The Court Martial of the Apache Kid by Victoria Sutton

The Last 49’er by Jamison Keller

Film Score (Stand Alone Submissions) 


EST by Davide Caprelli

Letters to Daniel by Amy McCorkle

Royals in Love by Max Wallace

Rwanda by Davide Caprelli

The Lost End by Alexander Salabaschew



Music Videos


Diamond Jockey by Julie Harris

Highland Home by  Kurt Rosenberg, Brent Rogers, Dan Schaefer, Zach Stevens

I’m Staying Right Here by Daryl Denner

Rocky Top by Deb Trotter

Unhappy Holiday by Katie Garibaldi


Best Actress

Asuman Dabak  -Once Upon a Judgement Day

Kathleen Elizabeth Monteleone -American Reject

Romina Tonkovic -F20

Serra Erciyes – Visceral

Zarina Sterling- Child Bride


Best Actor

Devon Bostik -Tuscaloosa

Julian Crouser -Deadly Promises

Kakha Kintsurashvili -The Enemies

Numan Cakir -Toprak

Samvel Tadevossian- Songs of Solomon

Tarik Tanrisever- Strings of Sorrow



Best Supporting Actress

Annaleigh Ashford- American Reject

Asena Keskinci- Strings of Sorrow

Connie Ray -American Reject

Every Heart -The Lost End

Renee Walker -City of Angels



Best Supporting Actor

Artashes Aleksanyan- Songs of Soloman

Braeden Wilson – Deadly Promises

Clifton Powell -Diamond in the Rough

Jordan Inconstant- Monstrus Circus

Marchant Davis -Tuscaloosa

Best Film Editing

Andy Phillips -The Lost End

Anthony J. Rickert-Epstein -Songs of Solomon

Christine Armstrong -American Reject

Dubravko Slujski -F20

Sevgi Hirschhauser -Toprak

 Tony Sylvers  -Deadly Promises


Best Film Score

American Reject- Michael Abiuso and Chris Bordeaux

Andrankik Berberyan- Songs of Solomon

Mathew J. Rees -The Last Earth Girl

Matt Hutchinson, Joshua Mosley -Tuscaloosa

Toprak- Shaul Bustan


Best Make up & Hair

Crist Ballas -Tuscaloosa

Elizabeth Alfonso, Kristin Colaneri, Christopher Lee Herod – Walking Point

Lesley Rodriguez- American Reject

Maryanne Morgan – They Come at Dusk

Nicolas Fournelle, Sarah Lange, Jonathan Lebrun, Ophelie Veret – Monstrus Circus


Best Costume Design

Chelsea Nevens, Jeff Copsetta  -Walking Point

Choozi by design, Christopher Childers  -Carnival of Wonders

Deborah Fiscus -Tuscaloosa

Mahsa Pazhouh- Child Bride

Maro Parian – Songs of Solomon

Tony Arcas,  Ambrine Carrara, Valerie Turbillon  -Monstrus Circus



Best Cinematographer

Anthony J. Rickert-Epstein -Songs of Soloman

Chris Hirschenhauser -Toprak

Ian Brander, Alex Fahl -Deadly Promise

Ian Coad -American Reject

Slobodan Trninic – F20


Best Director

Arman Nshanian -Songs of Soloman

Arsen A. Ostojk- F20

Marlo Hunter -American Reject

Mehmet Tansriver -Once Upon a Judgement Day

Sevgi Hirschhauser – Toprak

Best Feature Film


American Reject by Beth Burvant, Trey Burvant, Frank Monteleone, and Kathleen Elizabeth Monteleone 

Songs of Solomon by Asko Akopyan and Nick Vallelonga 

Toprak by Chris Hirschhaeuser and Sevgi Hirschhäuser 

Tuscaloosa by Jenny Daly, Tate Donovan, Brian Etting, Josh Etting, Scott Franklin, Eric Helgeson, Patrick Riley

 Valiant by James Lawler, Virgil Price, Zack Russo

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